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Our History

Zhejiang Zhongshan Chemical Industry Group Co. Ltd., is a world leading Agrochemical manufacturer company. It is established by Mr. Li Bugao in July 1998 and four plants were setup in Zhejiang Province (Zhejiang Zhongshan Chemical Industry Group Co. Ltd), Anhui Province (Anhui Zhongshan Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.), Jiangsu Province(Xiangshui Zhongshan Bioscience Co., Ltd.) and Inner Mongolia (Inner Mongolia Zhonggao Chemical Co., Ltd.) in the following days. We also have an export company in Zhejiang province (Zhejiang Changxing Zhongshan Import & Export Co., Ltd.).

Anhui Zhongshan Chemical Co. Ltd., a member of ZSchem Group, product quality at all times remains our primary concern. We are the only manufacturer of Triazine herbicides products with WDG formulation that is both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. Besides, our new core products Mesotrione, Bentazone and Metamitron has occupied a leading position in product quality and output capacity.

Located in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Zhongshan Chemical Co., Ltd. is the newest plant we developed. The total investment amount of Jiangsu plant will reach 300 million RMB. After full construction finished, our crop protection products range will cover not only herbicide but also fungicide and insecticide. All these effort makes us can better serve customers from almost every region of the world and support the agriculture with complete crop protection solution.

Our headquarter, R&D center and formulation plant locate in Changxing city, Zhejiang province. ZSchem R & D team is managed by 60 members of chemical experts with titles of professor, senior chemical engineer and PhD. We have good relationship and cooperation with Universities and Research Institutes around China. The world famous Adjuvant companies like Huntsman and Rhodia offer us proprietary support team service and customized adjuvant solution to guarantee the quality of our products.

Covering an area of 12 hectares, our formulation plant have advanced formulating equipment of SC, WP and WDG, full automatic small scale packing plant and warehouse & logistic system. We have already covered 90% kinds of existing formulation and mixture in all kinds of packaging with great sustainable feedback from end users.


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